AI-based enzyme & drug discovery

What we do...

We empower binding sites!

We as a TechBio company help you to seamlessly blend artificial intelligence with the nuanced insights and creativity of our human experts.

Whether you want to convert a substrate, bind a drug or look for protein-protein interactions.

Our point-cloud technology allows us to discover your next biocatalyst for green chemistry application and aids in in-silico drug discovery, repurposing or side-effects prediction. Our search is AI supported (but human curated), structure independent and property based.

Furthermore, our experts are keen to help with the optimization of enzymes and target proteins. Our workflows can enhance stability, activity or specificity for e.g. enzymes or we can optimize binding affinities.

CavitomiX // A world full of point clouds

Function over form

Experimental or predictive structures serve as starting points for our point-cloud-driven search. Being independent of the overall structure, we look for function, not just for structural similarities.


Finding and optimizing enzymes for a greener future

Our Services in Biotech...

  • Enzmye search

    We find novel enzymes for improved performance, higher stability or substrate acceptance.

  • Enzyme optimization

    Our optimization workflow strengthens your enzyme for specific conditions.


New drugs for the worlds health challenges

Our Services in Pharma...

  • Drug repurposing

    Established Drugs for new targets. Our CavitOmiX platform helps you navigate your search.

  • Drug discovery

    We find novel enzymes for improved performance, higher stability or substrate acceptance.

  • Disease Monitoring

    Established Drugs for New Targets. Our CavitOmiX platform helps you navigate your search.

Trusted and used by

Recognitions & Awards

NVIDIA Inception member

Winner CPhI International Pharma Awards

Winner ÖGMBT Research Awards

SFG Company of the Month May 2019

Contact Us

Let us know how we can help you!